A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is caused by violently shaking the brain inside of the skull. Causes of concussions include occurrences in everyday activities such as playing a sport, something as simple as falling off a bike, or even the impact of getting into a car accident. It is important to diagnose a concussion as soon as possible, because untreated concussions can lead to a series of abnormal emotional, mental, physical, and sleep-affecting changes in an afflicted individual. The way this app works is that it begins with a simple two minute long baseline test that gathers an individual's basic information for data in the post-injury test. This test is not necessary and you can always skip it and go right to the post-injury test if necessary, but it is recommended you take it to help with the accuracy in the post-injury test. After an individual experiences a head injury of any kind they take the post-injury test as soon as possible, which is administered by someone other than the injured individual for a more accurate diagnosis, and this test asks a series of questions that any physician would ask in order to ascertain the likelihood that the injured person has a concussion and spits this out as a probability. Again, the baseline test is not needed but its information helps the second party ascertain whether some of the questions in the post-injury test are being answered correctly or not. This app will appeal mainly to middle and high school coaches, because head injuries among athletes is very common and an increasing concern in today's health. This app is a quick and easy way for a coach to pull one of their athletes aside and administer this test using their smart phone to fully ascertain the athlete's condition. Also, this app is important for parents, because an active child can easily get a concussion while playing on a playground or learning to ride a bicycle.