Open–head with large ligules. Closed–head with small, but visible, ligules. Closed–head with reduced ligules
C. texana C. carduacea
[Click to enlarge.]

Chaptalia texana & C. carduacea Ligulate Pistillate Florets
by Bob Harms  email-here

The greatest floret differences are found among the peripheral series of ligulate pistillate flowers. Ligule size, corolla length, pappus length vary considerably among the three major types. The color of older ligules was distinct in the two populations under study: with C. carduacea they turn crimson; with C. texana, yellow (to orange). And in late spring and fall/winter both species, regardless of early spring type, exhibit peripheral florets with reduced ligules and/or lengthened tubular (filiform) corollas corresponding to the ligules of early spring heads.

In addition to longer corollas C. texana also had significantly shorter pappus — providing ready access to pollinators during early anthesis.

  floret length corolla length* pappus length
  average range average range average
C. texana 12.6 mm 11-13.2 mm same as floret 9.4 mm
C. carduacea: small ligules 11.4 mm 10.2-12 mm same as floret 12 mm
C. carduacea: reduced ligules 10.9 mm 10-11.3 mm 8.9 mm 7.9-9.3 mm 12.9 mm
*not including the style

Typical C. texana early spring florets

Typical C. carduacea early spring florets (with older ligule having turned crimson — not typical for C. texana)

A separate subpopulation of C. carduacea never produces exserted ligules (even in early spring), but the greatly reduced ligules can be seen at anthesis by dissecting the heads, or later, after they turn crimson and the florets are raised above the involucre (as in the top right image). The floret in the lower image appears to have a small second lip, not generally present with the ligulate florets, and more characteristic of the peripheral long–tubular florets.

C. carduacea subtype with early spring highly reduced florets

Long-tubular florets are discussed on a separate page.

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