Nodding Patterns with Chaptalia texana Open–Heads: Type I
by Bob Harms  email-here

Nodding patterns typical of open–head blooming forms.

The nodding behavior typical of C. texana with heads opening at anthesis with ray-like ligures is illustrated below. The basic pattern is as follows:

  1. The peduncle of the early bud bends downward ±180° but begins to straighten as it lengthens.
  2. As the bud develops, the peduncle continues to straighten and the bud no longer faces downward.
  3. With anthesis the head & peduncle approach an erect position.
  4. Following anthesis, once the head no longer opens, the peduncle leans to one side (?under the weight of the maturing head) & its apex bends downward; the head eventually faces straight down.
  5. As the inflorescence dries prior to dispersal the peduncle bends upward again.
  6. At dispersal the very top of the peduncle approaches (but never achieves) a fully erect position, generally hidden by the globose cluster of pappus/achenes. The apex may nod slightly greater than 90°. For additional details.

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