Effects of 1988 Burn on Woody Plants
by Bob Harms

Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei)
Junipers are easily killed by wildfires, and they tend not to germinate in very dense KR bluestem. The effect of this fire was to kill a few junipers, but then open up the area for volunteers before the KR bluestem came back with a vengeance.
After burn
Later in 1988
All dead in 2007. New junipers emerged before the KR bluestem became dense.
Texas Barberry (Berberis swaseyi)
Central Texas Berberis species have a substantial subterranean root crown (lignotuber) that provides nourishment for recovery after the branches above ground are destroyed by fire. The three photos below are of the same plant.
Recovery later in 1988
Spring 1989
Submerged in KR bluestem, but looking good in 2007