1977. Color palette of wide grass variety on the upper plateau.
KR Bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica) in Upper Level Grass Fields
by Bob Harms

The ridge at the east of our land forms a long plateau with several open fields. KR has not fared well in most of these, owing in large part to the thin soil, but is also yielding to little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and rough dropseed (Sporobolus clandestinus) in areas with deeper soil. The fields covered here are:
Field between the gate and the ledge at the north end.
1977, Taller grasses are KR.
Winter 2007. Little bluestem & seep muhley; few KR (light) patches.
Field at the highest part of the plateau.
1979. Mostly KR.
2007. Decrepit KR.
2007. Detail of the above KR area.
Large open field with relatively deep soil.
With the cessasion of grazing this field was soon dominated by tall KR, and under its cover turkeys nested. In recent years, the KR in the deep soil has receded in favor of little bluestem and rough dropseed; with curlymesquite (Hilaria belangeri) at both ends with more sparse vegetation.
1981. KR dominant — good turkey cover.
2007. Little bluestem (upper, bright gree) moving into KR.
2007. Curlymesquite & Texas grama (Bouteloua rigidiseta) in shallow soil.