E. alsinoides — Various Texas Locales

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Evolvulus alsinoides Venation
by Bob Harms  email-here

All E. alsinoides leaves revealed clearly pinnate venation. But often the venation is not visible without clearing (as the 2 on the right above) or transparency scanning (leftmost pair above), as the next image shows. With clearing one can generally see that the venation pattern is pinnate festooned brochidodromous.

E. alsinoides — Val Verde Co. The same leaf as that shown above after clearing as 'E77', this one without rehydrating/clearing.

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E. alsinoides — Val Verde Co. Four views of the same leaf. A dry herbarium leaf — D. S. Correll 34055 [LL], 10/31/1966 — was rehydrated, unfolded, then scanned as a transparency.
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