E. nuttallianus collections from E half of Texas (gray dots). Exceptional sepals with red dots.
Exceptions to E. nuttallianus Sepal Form
by Bob Harms

Exceptions to E. nuttallianus sepal form are found in the eastern areas of its range in Texas, alongside collections with narrow–lanceolate sepals from the same or adjacent counties. When present, sepal pubescence would still distinguish them, but this will not work for the totally glabrous form in N. Hays Co. A second area with anomalous sepal form is in the sandy areas along the Texas/New Mexico border (discussed on a separate page).
- All sepals in a specimen from Fannin Co., NE Texas, B. L. Turner & B. C. Tharp 3130 [TEX], are ovate and very short, c. 2.5 mm, with spreading hairs. All other features are clearly those of E. nuttallianus.
Click for enlargement.
- Sepals in a specimen from Bell Co., Central Texas, C. L. & Gertrude York 54360 [TEX], are ovate-lanceolate, c. 4:1 mm, with spreading hairs. All other features are clearly those of E. nuttallianus.
Click for enlargement.
- Sepals in a specimen from Travis Co., Central Texas, Tharp & York 50–170 [TEX], are ovate-lanceolate, c. 4:1.2 mm, with spreading hairs. All other features are clearly those of E. nuttallianus.
Click for enlargement.
- Sepals in two specimens from N. Hays Co., Central Texas, (Bob Harms 43 [TEX] — pubescent, Bob Harms 43-A [TEX] — glabrous) are similar to those in the above Travis Co. specimen.
Click for enlargement.
Plant Resources Center Home Page — Flora of Texas
— Evolvulus