Habit differences distinguishing Evolvulus nuttallianus from E. discolor
by Bob Harms (
A selection of 24 herbarium collections for testing the ‘key’ below.
Evolvulus nuttallianus
All leaves are directed upward, typically at an angle < 45°, often with an upward bend at the base.
Leaf arrangement is pentastichous 5/2 — this is apparent with long (> half the leaf length) internodes.
Leaves flat or may be slightly 'u'-curved (not conduplicate), normally press flat.
Stem tips with a dense cluster of erect overlapping leaves.
Evolvulus discolor
Leaves typically spreading away from the stem.
Leaf arrangement is distichous — often difficult to discern with short internodes
Upper leaves are strongly conduplicate, often falcate, but when pressed, leaves have often been forced flat.
Leaves not densely clustered at stem tips.
Plant Resources Center Home Page — Flora of Texas
— Evolvulus