Venation patterns for Texas Evolvulus taxa using the distinctions noted in van Ooststroom 1934 were studied by clearing leaves to remove the pubescence concealing the venation. [The process of clearing & staining the leaves.]
30 leaves were selected for 4 taxa representing all areas of Texas (26), Chihuahua (1) & Coahuila (1) of northern Mexico, Missouri (1) and Utah (1). The Texas specimens were from: Trans-Pecos, 14; Panhandle, 3; South Texas, 2; North & Central Texas, 9. The 4 taxa studied fell into 5 groups: E. alsinoides, 5; E. arenarius, 2; E. nuttallianus, 11; E. sericeus 4, E. discolor 9 — including 7 collections from Mexico and the Trans-Pecos currently determined as E. nuttallianus which I had determined on other grounds (primarily habit and sepal form) to be E. sericeus.
Click on an image for enlargement.
E. alsinoides — Val Verde Co. |
E. alsinoides — Presidio Co. |
E. nuttallianus — Utah |
E. nuttallianus — Dallas Co. |
E. nuttallianus — Missouri |
E. nuttallianus — Bell Co. |
E. nuttallianus — Culberson Co. |
E. nuttallianus — Presidio Co. |
E. arenarius — Gaines Co. |
E. sericeus — Brazos Co. |
E. sericeus — Hays Co. |
E. sericeus — Kleberg Co. |
E. discolor — Jeff Davis Co. |
E. discolor (previously as E. nuttallianus) — Brewster Co. |
E. discolor (previously as E. nuttallianus) — Chihuahua |