E. rotundifolius - Hidalgo, Mexico
E. purpusii - Coahuila, Mexico
(previously determined as E. rotundifolius)
E. nummularius - Veracruz, Mexico

Mexican Evolvulus ‘Round–leaf’ Types
by Bob Harms  email-here

E. rotundifolius, E. nummularius, E. purpusii, and varieties of E. sericeus have leaves that are ovate to oblong, sometimes rounded, with glabrous upper surface. This has led to some confusion in specimen determinations.

Significant features given by van Ooststroom 1934 (among others) that should work for the images of the test set are:

Gallery of selected Mexican Evolvulus ‘Round–leaf’ Types
This set of 21 includes 3 of E. nummularius, 12 of E. rotundifolius (one of which had been determined as E. sericeus), 5 of E. purpusii (which had been determined as E. rotundifolius), & 1 of E. sericeus var. discolor (which had originally been determined as E. rotundifolius, then later as E. nuttallianus). It includes E. rotundifolius specimens with somewhat elongated peduncles not noted by van Ooststroom (most not as long as with E. sericeus forma pedunculatus).

The images are labeled only with numbers so that viewers can attempt to determine for themselves the appropriate species identification.

To check a determination, just move the cursor onto the large image and the determination made by Bob Harms will appear on the image (in a small box), including the most recent different determination made by others (should these not agree). A general location for the specimen will also be given.

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