bracteoles (B) & pedicels (P) of H. drummondii (left) & H. reverchonii var. serpyllifolia (right)
12 May 2013, Hays. Co.

Bracteole Trichomes in the Hedeoma drummondii complex
by Bob Harms  email-here

R. Irving's 1980 (Sida 8:257-9) article limits his description of bracteoles for the H. drummondii complex taxa to:

H. d.
subulate ca 1/2 as long as pedicels
H. r. r.
H. r. s.

Bracteoles, as reduced leaves, share the general antrorse trichome orientation with leaves. Bracteole trichomes, however, are typically less curved, and similar to those of the calyx teeth (also reduced leaves in origin), projecting upward at the same angle at the base, but much smaller. Great variation in length was noted, as also with form, with H. drummondii bracteoles somewhat more likely to be subulate. [Hairs are distributed over the entire bracteole — only those against a darker background being clearly visible.]

Calyx teeth. H. d.H. r. r.H. r. s. (left to right) [click to enlarge]

H. drummondii

Sample from western Travis Co. [click to enlarge]

H. reverchonii var. serpyllifolia

Sample from northern Hays Co. [click to enlarge]

H. reverchonii var. reverchonii

Sample from northern Hays Co. [click to enlarge]


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