H. drumondii |
H. reverchonii var. reverchonii |
H. reverchonii var. serpyllifolia |
R. Irving's 1980 (Sida 8:257-9) article limits his description of pedicels for the H. drummondii complex taxa to:
Trichomes for all 3 taxa are retrorsely oriented, morphologically similar to those of the stem. Size, density and the extent of ‘curling’ (i.e., the upper trichome cells' angle of bend) is highly variable, even on a single plant, and does not suffice to distinguish these taxa. Distal hairs are longest and densest, and are gradually reduced toward the junction with the peduncle. The junction of the calyx tube and the pedicel is marked by a ‘cuff’ of very dense hairs, this too with considerable variation — perhaps with some seasonal variation with H.r. var. serpyllifolia, parallel to that of the calyx vestiture.
H. drummondii November 20 |
H. reverchonii var. reverchonii June 15 |
H. reverchonii var. serpyllifolia May 12 |
H. reverchonii var. serpyllifolia November 17 |