©Bob Harms 2009
Viewing the Grass and Other Monocot Images
"Selected Central Texas Monocots" has been extracted from a much larger collection of original grass, sedge, rush and other
monocot images from Central Texas, primarily from Travis and northern Hays Counties. Although the initial version was restricted to grasses, the many similarities between the grasses and grass-like features of many other monocots, especially the sedges and rushes, led me to include a broader set of species. Indeed, many nongrass monocots are commonly called 'grass,' e.g., bear grass, blueeyed grass, nutgrass, sawgrass. Especially the leafy stages of monocots strongly resemble grasses [compare the ladies' tresses orchid Spiranthes magnicamporum with tapered rosette grass Dichanthelium acuminatum].

A detailed presentation on the monocot class of plants.
These pages are
organized by families and genera as well as by
common names. Unfortunately common names are many and unpredictable, so
the common name you have in mind may not be listed, even if the species
you are looking for is represented.
The images are organized into three groups:
- Grasses
- Sedges & Rushes
- Other Monocot Families (Bromeliad, Cat-Tail, Greenbriar, Iris, Lily, Orchid, Pondweed, Yucca)
Since many of the images are large, you will often need to scroll a
picture vertically and/or horizontally to see it all. Scales with
measurements in millimeters are provided in many of the images.
All Selected Monocots images and web pages are copyrighted by Bob Harms. They are free for scientific and educational uses provided that Bob Harms is properly credited. Please contact him at
for additional information.
Plant Resources Center Home Page — Flora of Texas