Due to server problems, the TEX-LL Type Database and accompanying images have been temporarily removed and only the Texas non-type database is available for consultation here. However, a more up-to-date database of TEX and LL types with high resolution images (much larger than those previously available at our site) is available through the JSTOR Plants website. For users working through a subscribing institution, full database search and images are available there; for other users, full database search but only thumbnail images are available. Users who cannot get the needed images through the JSTOR Plants web site should contact the curator.
Hint for those using the JSTOR website: Remember that the Plant Resources Center includes two herbaria, TEX and LL (the University of Texas Herbarium and the Lundell Herbarium, respectively). To search the JSTOR Plants website for our types, go to the Advanced Search feature, enter the appropriate search criteria into the appropriate fields, then enter “TEX or LL” into the “Herbarium Code” field.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Introduction and some statistics on The University of Texas Herbaria Type Register. |