Developmental Cell Biology Journal Club
Meets Wednesdays 12-1 pm PAT 313
Bring your lunch and your appetite for
Date |
Presenter |
Paper |
12/3/09 |
Sara Peyrot (Wallingford lab) |
BMP antagonists and FGF signaling contribute to different domains of the neural plate in Xenopus. Dev. Biol. 2009
337 (2): 335-350 |
12/10/09 |
Jeff Gross |
Cdc42- and
IRSp53-dependent contractile filopodia tether presumptive lens and retina to
coordinate epithelial invagination. Dev. 2009 136 (21): 3657-67 |
12/17/09 |
John Wallingford |
The Wnt
antagonists Frzb-1 and Crescent locally regulate basement membrane
dissolution in the developing primary mouth. Dev. 2009 136
(3): 1072-81 |
1/13/10 |
Rebecca Brady (Wallingford lab) |
N- and
E-cadherins in Xenopus are specifically required in the neural and non-neural
ectoderm, respectively, for F-actin assembly and morphogenetic movements. Dev. 2009 136
(8): 1327-38 |
1/20/10 |
Katherine Smith (Wallingford lab) |
Planarian Hh
signaling regulates regeneration polarity and links Hh pathway evolution to
cilia. Science. 2009
326(5958): 1406-10 |
1/27/10 |
Seema Agarwala |
Local Protease
Signaling Contributes to Neural Tube Closure in the Mouse Embryo. Dev Cell. 2010
18 (1): 25-38 |
2/3/10 |
Christina Shoemaker (Gross lab) |
Blimp1controls photoreceptor versus bipolar cell fate choice
during retinal development. Development 2010 137 (4): 619-629 |
2/10/10 |
Matthew Schmerer (Shankland lab) |
Coordinates Control of PRC2 Enzymatic Activity and Target Gene Occupancy in
Pluripotent Cells. Cell 2009 139
(7): 1290-1302 |
2/17/10 |
Charmaine Brown (Agarwala lab) |
signalling regulates the contribution of progenitor cells from the chick Hensen's
node to the floor plate and notochord. Development
2010 137 (4): 561-568 |
2/24/10 |
Dae Sook Eom (Agawala lab) |
Dynamin 2
orchestrates the global actomyosin cytoskeleton for epithelial maintenance
and apical constriction. PNAS 2009 106
(49): 20770-5 |
3/3/10 |
Kelly Sheehan-Rooney (Eberhart lab) |
Dicer is required
for survival of differentiating neural crest cells. Dev Biol 2010
Feb in
press |
3/10/10 |
Dave Stein |
An Ancient
Anterior Patterning System Promotes /Caudal/ Repression and Head Formation in
Ecdysozoa. Current Biology
2009 19 (21): 1811-15 |
3/24/10 |
Rachel Tittle (Gross lab) |
KDM7 is a dual
demethylase for histone H3 Lys 9 and Lys 27 and functions in brain
development. Genes Dev. 2010
24(5): 432-7 |
3/31/10 |
Sara Peyrot (Wallingford Lab) |
Regulation of Protrusion and Polarity by PI(3)K during Neutrophil Motility in
Live Zebrafish. Dev Cell 2010
18(2): 226-236 |
4/7/10 |
Johann Eberhart |
Need-Based Up-Regulation
of Protein Levels in Response to Deletion of Their Duplicate Genes. PLoS Biology March
2010 |
4/14/10 |
Marty Shankland |
Chiral blastomere
arrangement dictates zygotic left-right asymmetry pathway in snails. Nature
2009 462: 790-794 |
4/21/10 |
Asako Shindo (Wallingford lab) |
Restriction of
Receptor Movement Alters Cellular Response: Physical Force Sensing by EphA2.
Science 2010 327: 1380 - 1385 |
4/28/10 |
Yoni Bibliowicz (Gross lab) |
Regulation of Neurogenesis
by Interkinetic Nuclear Migration through an Apical-Basal Notch Gradient.
Cell 2008 134 (6): 1055-65 |
5/12/10 |
Smita Amarnath (Agarwala lab) |
Changes in Hox
genesŐ structure and function during the evolution of the squamate body plan. Nature 2010
464: 99-103 |
5/19/10 |
Neil McCarthy (Eberhart lab) |
skeletogenic patterning roles for the olfactory pit. Development 2009
136: 219-229 |
5/26/10 |
Chanjae Lee (Gross lab) |
6/2/10 |
Young-Jun Jeon (Eberhart lab) |
To join the mailing list or volunteer to
present, contact Sara Peyrot