Journal of the Plant Resources Center of the University of Texas at Austin
Number 6 — December 2003
[Published: 11 December 2003]


Primers for PCR Amplification of Asteraceae Chloroplast DNA.
José L. Panero and Bonnie S. Crozier View Abstract  — Download article (file size 0.9 MB)

Andeimalva, a New Genus of Malvaceae from Andean South America.
Jennifer A. Tate View Abstract  — Download article (file size 0.9 MB)

A Synopsis of Phyllanthus section Nothoclema (Euphorbiaceae).
Grady L. Webster View Abstract  — Download article (file size 5.2 MB)

Peperomia hobbitoides (Piperaceae), a New Species of Karstophile from the Rain Forests of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico.
Tom Wendt View Abstract  — Download article (file size 1.7 MB)

Taxonomy of Tetraneuris (Asteraceae: Helenieae: Tetraneurinae).
Mark W. Bierner and B. L. Turner View Abstract  — Download article (file size 6.2 MB)

Ourisia cotapatensis (Scrophulariaceae s.l.), a new species from Bolivia.
Heidi M. Meudt and Stephan G. Beck View Abstract  — Download article (700 KB)

Revision of the Mexican and Guatemalan species of Platanus (Platanaceae).
Kevin C. Nixon and Jackie M. Poole View Abstract  — Download article (file size 12.0 MB)

A new species of Condalia (Rhamnaceae) from Sonora, Mexico.
James Henrickson View Abstract  — Download article (file size 4.0 MB)

A New Combination in Mexican Mandevilla (Apocynaceae subfamily Apocynoideae) II.
Justin K. Williams View Abstract  — Download article (file size 1.1 MB)

A New Species of Galinsoga (Asteraceae: Millerieae: Galinsoginae) from northwestern Mexico.
José L. Panero View Abstract  — Download article (file size 1.5 MB)


Primers for PCR Amplification of Asteraceae Chloroplast DNA.
José L. Panero and Bonnie S. Crozier

Abstract: Primers for the amplification and sequencing of DNA fragments from chloroplast genes and non–coding regions are provided to facilitate molecular phylogenetic studies aimed at building a tree–of–life for the Asteraceae. The primers reported here have been extensively tested and some empirical guidelines are included to facilitate their use.
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Andeimalva, a New Genus of Malvaceae from Andean South America.
Jennifer A. Tate

Abstract: A new genus, Andeimalva, is described to accommodate four species previously placed in Tarasa and Malacothamnus. The taxonomic placement of the Chilean species M. chilensis in the primarily North American genus has been questioned for nearly 40 years. This species occurs in the Andes of central Chile, unlike the rest of the genus, which is distributed in California, Baja California, and Mexico. Molecular phylogenetic data revealed the strongly supported relationship of Malacothamnus chilensis to the Andean species Tarasa machupicchensis, T. mandonii, and T. spiciformis. The latter species share with M. chilensis the unusual base chromosome number of x = 6, which is not found in other members of Tarasa or other closely related genera (x = 5), or the North American Malacothamnus (x=17). Considering the phylogenetic and chromosome data, as well as morphology and geography, these four species form a clade that merits generic status and are recognized at generic rank.
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A Synopsis of Phyllanthus section Nothoclema (Euphorbiaceae).
Grady L. Webster

Abstract: Phyllanthus section Nothoclema, after revision, includes 10 species that are notable in the genus for their use as ”barbascos“ (fish poisons). The section is remarkable for its palynological diversity, which provides important diagnostic characters for distinguishing species. Two new species are described, both from Venezuela: P. liesneri from Falcón and Yaracuy; and P. meridensis from Mérida. Although pollen material is lacking for study, both species appear related to congeners with 3–colporate pollen having a vermiculate–reticulate exine. Phyllanthus graveolens is treated as a polytypic species, including P. micrandrus as a subspecies. Two subspecies are recognized within P. brasiliensis, the species most commonly used as a fish–poison; ssp. brasiliensis throughout most of its range includes mostly sterile semi–domesticated clones.
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Peperomia hobbitoides (Piperaceae), a New Species of Karstophile from the Rain Forests of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico.
Tom Wendt

Abstract: Peperomia hobbitoides is described as a new species from karst rain forests of extreme southeastern Veracruz, Mexico. The new species grows directly on outcrops of karstic limestone, sprouting from corms lying in tiny soil pockets of ledges, depressions, and holes in the rock. It may be distinguished from all previously described species of Peperomia of Mexico and Central America by the combination of the small perennial corm, the broadly ovate acuminate–tipped leaves with cordate bases and campylodromous venation, and the ellipsoid fruit 1.5–2.0 times as long as thick with a distinct narrow apical appendage ca. 0.15–0.3 mm long. The herbage of the new species has a strong fragrance and flavor of fresh coriander (cilantro) and is eaten by inhabitants of the area. Peperomia hobbitoides is most similar morphologically to P. asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. and P. bernoullii C.DC. but is easily distinguished from both.

Resumen: Se describe Peperomia hobbitoides como una especie nueva de las selvas cársticas del extremo sureste de Veracruz, México. La especie nueva prospera sobre afloramientos de roca caliza cárstica, naciendo de tubérculos que se encuentran en el suelo de pequeños huecos y depresiones de la roca. La nueva especie se distingue, de otras descritas para México y Centroamérica, por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: el tubérculo pequeño y perenne; las hojas anchamente ovadas y con el ápice acuminado, la base cordada, y la venación campilódroma; y el fruto elipsoide (el cuerpo del fruto 1.5–2 veces más largo que ancho) y con un apéndice apical ca. 0.15–0.3 mm de largo. El follaje de Peperomia hobbitoides al estrujarse expele una fragancia sugestiva del cilantro, y por el sabor del mismo se ocupa en la comida casera en el área. Peperomia hobbitoides es morfologicamente semejante a P. asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. y P. bernoullii C.DC., pero se distingue facilmente de ambas.

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Taxonomy of Tetraneuris (Asteraceae: Helenieae: Tetraneurinae).
Mark W. Bierner and B. L. Turner

Abstract: Tetraneuris is recognized as a genus separate from Hymenoxys and a taxonomic treatment is presented for the 14 taxa recognized as constituting Tetraneuris: T. acaulis var. acaulis, T. acaulis var. arizonica, T. acaulis var. caespitosa, T. acaulis var. epunctata, T. argentea, T. herbacea, T. ivesiana, T. linearifolia var. linearifolia, T. linearifolia var. arenicola, T. scaposa var. scaposa, T. scaposa var. argyrocaulon, T. torreyana, T. turneri, and T. verdiensis. The revision includes synonymies, typifications, descriptions, discussions, and range maps for each of the accepted species.

Resumen: Se reconoce a Tetraneuris como un género distinto de Hymenoxys, y se presenta un tratamiento taxonómico para los 14 taxones reconocidos en Tetraneuris: T. acaulis var. acaulis, T. acaulis var. arizonica, T. acaulis var. caespitosa, T. acaulis var. epunctata, T. argentea, T. herbacea, T. ivesiana, T. linearifolia var. linearifolia, T. linearifolia var. arenicola, T. scaposa var. scaposa, T. scaposa var. argyrocaulon, T. torreyana, T. turneri, y T. verdiensis. La revisión incluye sinonímias, tipificaciones, descripciones, discusiones, y mapas de distribución para cada una de las especias aceptadas.

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Ourisia cotapatensis (Scrophulariaceae s.l.), a new species from Bolivia.
Heidi M. Meudt and Stephan G. Beck

Abstract: A new, rare species of Ourisia from the department of La Paz in Bolivia is described based on three recent collections. The new species, Ourisia cotapatensis, is closely related to Ourisia pulchella from Bolivia and Peru and the other species of Ourisia from the central and northern Andes.

Resumen: Se describe una especie nueva y poco común de Ourisia del departamento de La Paz en Bolivia, en base a tres colecciones recientes. La nueva especie, Ourisia cotapatensis, está estrechamente emparentada con Ourisia pulchella, que ocurre en Bolivia y Perú, y con otras especies de Ourisia de las zonas norte y central de la cordillera de los Andes.

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Revision of the Mexican and Guatemalan species of Platanus (Platanaceae).
Kevin C. Nixon and Jackie M. Poole

Abstract: A taxonomic treatment of the genus Platanus L. in North America is presented, concentrating on the species native to Mexico and Guatemala. Eight taxa are recognized for North America: 3 species with 2 varieties each, and two species without varietal subdivision; all occur in Mexico and/or Guatemala except for one more northern variety. One previously unrecognized species from western Mexico is described, P. gentryi Nixon & Poole. Another species from northeastern Mexico, although often called P. mexicana Moric., represents an undescribed species because the name P. mexicana is correctly applied to a different Mexican species. The resultant new species is P. rzedowskii Nixon & Poole. A new variety, P. mexicana var. interior Nixon & Poole, is described from central Mexico. A key to taxa includes the two Old World species, P. kerrii and P. orientalis, but complete descriptions of the latter species are not given. A discussion of the morphological characters, biogeography, infrageneric phylogeny and speciation of Platanus in North America is presented in light of the greater understanding of the taxa afforded by this study.

Resumen: Se presenta un tratmiento taxonómico del género Platanus en Norte América, con un enfoque principal a las especies nativas de México y Guatemala. Se reconocen ocho taxones norteamericanos: 3 especies con 2 variedades cada una, y dos especies sin variedades; todos estan representados en México y Centroamérica con la excepción de una varidad más septentrional. Se describe a P. gentryi Nixon & Poole como una especie nueva del oeste de México. Otra especie del noreste de México, frecuentemente identificada como P. mexicana Moric., de hecho representa una especie no descrita, ya que el nombre P. mexicana es correctamente aplicado a otra especie mexicana. La nueva especie que resulta es P. rzedowskii Nixon & Poole. Se describe una nueva variedad para el centro de México, P. mexicana var. interior Nixon & Poole. Se provee una clave que incluye las dos especies del Viejo Mundo, P. kerrii y P. orientalis, pero no se presentan descripciones de las mismas. Se presenta una discusión sobre los caracteres morfológicos, la biogeografía, la filogenia infragenérica y la especiación de Platanus de Norte América a la luz del mejor entendimiento de los taxones objeto de este estudio.

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A new species of Condalia (Rhamnaceae) from Sonora, Mexico.
James Henrickson

Abstract: Condalia sonorae is described as a new species from north central Sonora, Mexico. The taxon was previously considered part of Condalia correllii, but differs in having bicolored leaves, denser young–stem and leaf vestiture, petaloid flowers, and more spheroidal fruit endocarps. In contrast, C. correllii has concolorous, abaxially glabrous leaves, shorter stem vestiture, apetalous flowers, and more ovoid fruit endocarps. Comparisons are also made with C. velutina, C. mexicana and C. hookeri.

Resumen: Se describe a Condalia sonorae como una especie nueva del norte–centro de Sonora, México. Este taxon anteriormente se consideró como parte de Condalia correllii, pero difiere de ésta en presentar: hojas con las dos superficies de colores diferentes; una pubescencia más marcada en los tallos jóvenes y las hojas; la presencia de pétalos en las flores; y los endocarpios más esferoides. Por contraste, P. correllii presenta hojas de color verde claro en ambas superficies; una pubescencia poco notable en el elvés de la hoja, y los tallos hirtelos con pelos más cortos; flores sin pétalos; y endocarpios más ovoides. Se contrasta la especie nueva también con C. velutina, C. mexicana, y C. hookeri.

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A New Combination in Mexican Mandevilla (Apocynaceae subfamily Apocynoideae) II.
Justin K. Williams

Abstract: Echites exilicaulis Sessé & Moç. is shown to belong in the genus Mandevilla and that it is a species distinct from Mandevilla andrieuxii (Müll. Arg.) Hemsl. Accordingly Mandevilla exilicaulis (Sessé & Moç.) J. K. Williams is proposed.
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A New Species of Galinsoga (Asteraceae: Millerieae: Galinsoginae) from northwestern Mexico.
José L. Panero

Abstract: Galinsoga crozierae from the state of Durango, northwest Mexico is described and its salient morphological features compared to those of other species in the genus.
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