SPCR-infl-K13-Carr11411-12C-9in SPCR-infldet-K13-Higdon9-6C-9in SPCR-Oct-P-op_shth-9in
S. cryptandrus panicles - the left two (Travis Co.) open; the rightmost forced out of its sheeth (Hays Co.).

Sporobolus cryptandrus
by Bob Harms  email-here

The native Sporobolus cryptandrus is also found in Central Texas, but is less common and its much smaller spikelets (often ±1.5 mm) and pyramidal inflorescence when fully open distinguish it from other native dropseeds in the area. Flora of N. America indicates "primary [panicle] branches 0.6-6 cm, appressed, spreading, or reflexed to 130° from the rachis, without spikelets on the lower 1/8-1/4." The lower panicle is commonly within the sheeth, presumably cleistogamous.

29 cm S. cryptandrus panicle forced out of its sheeth (Hays Co.).

Plant Resources Center Home PageFlora of TexasSporobolus