The basic panicle structure is the same within both the Sporobolus compositus complex and the S. vaginiflorus complex. For all taxa panicles are both terminal and axillary with appressed branches, often spikelike. Panicles by taxa mostly differ in size, with significant overlap, limiting this character's use for identification — note the ranges in the FNA key. A portion of the panicle, with cleistogamous florets, tends to be enclosed in the uppermost sheath. Note that the spikelets in the sheath differ in size & morphology from those that develop outside the sheath.
Terminal panicle with chasmogamous florets, September.
Panicle branches detail, September.
Panicle emerging from sheath, December.
Spikelets emerging from sheath, August.
Sheath spikelets detail, October.
Panicle with sheath & external florets, October.
Panicle sheaths with florets — upper 3 are section of single culm; December.
Terminal panicle with chasmogamous florets, September.
Panicles with mature spikelets, October.
Branches mostly included in the sheath.
Panicles with mature spikelets, November.
Terminal & included branches, November.
Panicles with mature spikelets, both sheathed & external, October.
Spiklets emerging from sheaths — the lower half is a continuation of the upper half; November
Spikelets from sheaths, Grayson Co., November.
Spikelets from sheaths, Grayson Co., November.