The Plant Resources Center sincerely thanks the many people who have helped in the making of this Web site.
For botanical help, we especially thank Bill Carr, of The Nature Conservancy of Texas, for extensive help on species commentaries and for one image. We also thank Karen Clary, Paul Fryxell, Joe Liggio, Andrew McDonald, and Guy Nesom for help in the botanical identification of some of the Dexter images.
Andre Bober, Museum Studies Coordinator at The University of Texas at Austin, helped greatly in the editing of the write-up on the nature and history of the Plant Resources Center.
Botanical text, information, and materials for this Web site were provided by the following Plant Resources Center personnel and students: Beryl Simpson (Director), Tom Wendt (Curator), Anne Van Nest, and Joanne Birch.
Bob Harms did an extensive amount of work to restore the Dexter images to their original quality, contributed one image, and otherwise contributed greatly to the project.
Web site architecture, design, functionality, and build were completed by library staff.