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Leaflet Form & Dimensions for B. swaseyi, B. trifoliolata and Hybrids

by Bob Harms  email-here

Features Common to Both Terminal and Lateral Leaflets

Features That Vary by Position and Species

Range of terminal leaflet types - at the same scale (mm., shown).

With palmately trifoliate B. trifoliolata there is no significant difference between terminal and lateral leaflets, which are oblong to lanceolate (to linear–lancolate); length/width ratio 2.2 – 8.1, average c. 4.5. The base is narrowly acute–truncate.

B. swaseyi has numerous leaflet differences by position, as shown in the tables below. Terminal leaflets are elliptic to lanceolate; length/width ratio 1.7 – 3.9, average c. 2.7. Lateral leaflets are shorter but tend to be wider, giving overall length/width ratios 1.0 – 2.7 (see the table below for averages).

Leaflets of individual hybrids tend to vary between forms typical of the two species, as indicated below.

Terminal leaflets are generally longer than the next adjacent lateral leaflets, although not significantly so with B. trifoliolata. B. swaseyi showed a clear correlation of this relationship with sun/shade exposure, lateral leaflets in full sun being significantly shorter. Hybrids regularly have shorter lateral leaflets.

Length of topmost lateral leaflet as percentage of terminal leaflet length.

With B. swaseyi (apart from the greatly reduced basal leaflets) leaflet pairs below the topmost pair tend to reduce gradually in both size and the number of teeth on the margins. Hybrid lateral leaflets are much less reduced and closer to those of B. trifoliolata in this respect.

Marginal teeth (spines) per leaflet.

First lateral
Next lateral
Basal reduced
Tooth height
B. trifoliolata    1 – 3 1 – 3 2.1 – 10
avg. 1.7 avg. 1.5 avg. 4.5
B. swaseyi   (3–) 4 – 8 (–9) (2–) 3 – 6 (–7) (2–) 3 – 5 (–6) (0–) 1 – 3 (–5) 0.1 – 2.5
avg. 5.9 avg. 4.1 avg. 3.8 avg. 2.4
Hybrids   2 – 5 2 – 3 (–4) (1–) 2 – 3 0.1 – 3.0
avg. 2.9 avg. 2.1 avg. 2.1

13-leaflet B. swaseyi shade leaf. (Colored and outlined to show its form.)

B. swaseyi leaflet measurements are given in the followng table. The petiole extends from the stem to the first rachis node for the reduced basal leaflets. After that the distal leaflet pair is given as 'n' and other pairs are enumerated as 'n-[1 – 4] (e.g., for 6 pairs as shown in the image above, the sequence from the base would be 'basal—n-4—n-3—n-2—n-1—n—terminal):

The gradual reduction in leaflet length is not matched by a reduction in width, giving significanly lower length/width ratios - a progression from lanceolate to elliptic toward a suborbicular form.

B. swaseyi Leaflet Measurements
Basal reduced leaflets Leaflets
leaflets (n)
Length as percentage
of terminal
32% 47% 48% 51% 57% 61% 100%
Average length (mm) 8.7 13.0 13.1 14.0 15.8 16.8 27.5
Length range (mm) 3–13 12–14 8.5–18 9–27.5 7–26.5 9–21.5 21–39
Average width (mm) 6.6 12.8 11.1 11.0 11.0 9.7 10.9
Width range (mm) 3–10 11–14.5 9–15 9–15.5 5–15 5.5–13.5 6–15.5
Average L/W ratio 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.82.7