This flora provides pictures created by Bob Harms of nearly all plant species that have occurred naturally or have been introduced on the preserve since 1976. It includes species occuring naturally on the preserve (both native and naturalized) and the immediately adjacent area (i.e., within easy walking distance), as well as plants that have been introduced since acquisition and have persisted without attention in the ground for at least 5 years. Three species that have survived only in large pots with supplemental water have been included: Amoreuxia wrightii (yellow show), Aquilegia canadensis, and A. hinckleyana - the latter two readily seeding themselves into adjacent pots, and generally have survived without special attention.
Plants which were subsequently brought to Purola are indicated on the page for that species. In the late 1970s, in our zeal to get anything at all to grow, we planted both native Texas and exotic species, on occasion foolishly introducing invasive exotics; e.g. Lonicera japonica (which has been nearly completely removed in recent years).
Two ways to access the pictures are provided: