Sabal Palms Introduced in N. Hays Co.
by Bob Harms  email-here

Five Sabal taxa, originally from seed in 2004, were introduced from pots in a draw at the base of a dam below Purola Lake in September 2010. The dam and the area below it were extensively buldozed that summer and early fall. Prior to this numerous Brazos Sabals had volunteered in the area, from seeds distributed by raccoons and other small mammals from a large palm on the adjacent Purola Preserve. Most of these were lost to the dozers, although the ranch owner took care to preserve as many as feasible. At that time I received permission to plant 6 Sabal palms which had grown large in pots (from seed). Starting with that fall an extreme drought hit the area, lasting almost two years. The water in Purola Lake receded, the adjacent Deadman's Creek went dry, and it was not possible to water these introduced plants. In late 2013 there was good rainfall in this area, and these 6 palms (shown below) have survived.

September 18, 2010

[click to enlarge]
Four 5–year–old Sabal taxa prior to planting in draw below Purola Lake, 18 Sept. 2010 —
SAME8 = S. mexicana; SAPA = "S. palmetto"; Praha = Sabal at Praha, Texas; SAMI8 = S. minor

December 30, 2010

By December the effects of the drought were apparent. The four plants shown above (A—D) no longer were as large (deer had browsed several). Of the plants labeled 'E' only the one on the right was planted by me; three in a row along a ditch were volunteers transplanted by workers clearing the brush below the dam; the small one on the left is one of the few original volunteers — saved because it was between two trees.

Five Sabal taxa in the ground, in severe drought, 30 Dec. 2010 —
in addition to the four above is (E) the Brazoria Sabal Palmetto (Sabal × brazoriensis).

December 24, 2013

Summer and fall rains in 2013 brought recovery to many plants in the area, including those Sabal palms that had survived the drought — many volunteers did not — but all palms planted at the base of the dam looked good in December. The 2010 plants above are shown below. The key is the same. To view a larger photo of a plant, click on it or its thumbnail.

S. xBrazoriensis S. mexicana S. palmetto Praha Sabal S. minor S. xBrazoriensis

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