Welcome to the Jha Lab research website! Shalene Jha is a Professor in UT Austin’s Department of Integrative Biology and Academic Director of Research at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Broadly, the Jha Lab examines ecological and evolutionary processes across biological scales, from genes to landscapes, to quantify global change impacts on plant-animal interactions, movement ecology, and the provisioning of ecosystem services.
Our work has provided insight into the environmental drivers of pollinator diversity, has revealed the complex and dynamic nature of wild pollinator foraging, and has exposed critical urbanization and elevation barriers to plant and pollinator gene flow across historic and contemporary time periods.
Prospective Students –
If you are a prospective graduate student interested in these or related topics or if you are interested in joining the lab, please send me an email (sjha@austin.utexas.edu). Do provide information on relevant background experience you have and give me an idea of the kind of questions you are interested in. Please, also include a resume/CV.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Educators, Naturalists, Landowners –
You can find information on native bees and pollinator habitat conservation, as well as educational resources, such as identification guides and illustrated species lists, on the Public Engagement pages. You may contact Laurel Treviño Murphy, Outreach Program Coordinator at ltrevino@austin.utexas.edu.