- You must be an approved user who has completed an application for use of the facility(see Application to Use) and been trained by Center staff.
- You must undergo training. You CANNOT train other individuals or allow them to use the microscopes.
- You must reserve time on the microscopes using the Google calendar (See Scheduling) and you must indicate when doing so which lenses you will need to use (see Scheduling).
- You must make entry into the logbook as you begin and end your use of the microscope. Please note any problems you had in using the microscope in the log.
- You must return the microscope to its original condition before leaving the facility. This includes cleaning the dipping lenses by dipping them into distilled water and removing any oil from the oil immersion objectives. USE ONLY LENS PAPER FOR THIS PURPOSE.
- Your use of living animals or biologically hazardous material must have been indicated on your initial application and have all the university approvals.
- If you have special requirements in software or accessory equipment, you must consult with Center staff prior to use.
Jeff Gross, Director of the PMC
Wesley Thompson, for matters pertaining to the confocal
Nicholas Priebe, for matters pertaining to the 2-photon
Seema Agarwala, for matters dealing with billing